About me

I’m an independent software consultant based in Helsingborg, Sweden, with clients all over Europe. I focus on .NET and C#, architecture, DDD/CQRS, Web security and OpenID Connect.

I co-founded Edument, a consulting and training company with offices in Helsingborg, Sweden and Prague, Czech Republic. I now work with providing consulting services (Training, Software Architecture and Development). Read more about my journey and some of the things I have done along the way.


Tore Nestenius presenting about Infrastructure as code at the Edument office
Tore Nestenius presenting at a meetup in Malmö.

Open Source

I have published or co-created: 

Stack Overflow

I frequently answer questions on Stack Overflow, where I’ve earned both silver and bronze badges in various areas, including IdentityServer4, .NET, authentication, JWT, OAuth 2.0, C#, ASP.NET Core and OpenID Connect.

profile for Tore Nestenius at Stack Overflow, Q&A for professional and enthusiast programmers
Tore Nestenius at his office at Edument, preparing to a course delivery online.

To give something back to the community, I spend time on Stackoverflow and answer questions, typically about OAuth, OpenIDConnect and IdentityServer. Check out my profile on Stackoverflow.

My Professional History


During my university studies I created and published the Programmers Heaven CD-ROMs (2 of them) that I sold all over the world. Together they contain over 12000 source codes, tutorials, components and tools that I compiled and organized.


I Created my first website called Programmers Heaven, an online community for developers that ended up receiving over 750,000 visitors per month at its peak. The site became my full time job for many years. Running this website gave me a unique understanding in how to operate, administrate and promote web sites.


Created and operated a website called CodePedia, a Wiki for developers.


Co-authored a C# ebook called C# School that can still be downloaded online


After Programmers Heaven I worked for a few years as an Independent .NET consultant in Sweden implementing various systems for online marketing.


Co-founded Edument AB a consulting and training company with offices in Helsingborg, Göteborg, Malmö and Prague. Besides running the company with my cofounder Acke Salem, I worked as a consultant, architect and trainer. Co-created the cqrs.nu web site.


I was the main organizer for the Community Day conference. A popular one day conference that we arranged in Malmö, Göteborg and Stockholm with both local and international speakers. Visit communityday.se for more details.


I left Edument and resumed working as an independent consultant and trainer, focusing on .NET, Architecture and security.

That was my professional history, but we all have to start somewhere. Here are some of the highlights from my early years.

The start

My journey began quite early on when I got my first computer, the Commodore VIC-20, in 1981. I ended up taking evening classes in Basic programming at the age of 11, and that’s when the foundation was set. I even ended up in a local newspaper in 1981.

Tore Nestenius as his first computer show, aged 12
Audio Sculpture sound tracker for the Atari ST home computer. Published 1991

Atari ST

A few years later, I got together with a few friends to create the Atari ST demo group Sync. Eventually, over the next few years, we released many demos and applications. I spent these early years experimenting and learning through DIY. In 1980, I co-authored Audio Sculpture, a sound-tracker music application for the Atari-ST written in 100% 68K assembly language that ended up getting sold all over Europe.

Sega Megadrive

The DIY continued when I realized I wanted to develop games on the Sega Megadrive console unit, but there were no guides, documentation or hardware. So instead, I reverse-engineered the drive from scratch and created a development kit to connect to my Atari ST computer and wrote applications.

You can read more about this project in the How I built my own Sega Mega Drive hardware dev kit from scratch blog post.

I reverse-engineered the Sega Mega Drive from scratch and created my own development kit.
The Programmers Heaven CD-ROMs. Two discs filled with source code, tools and tutorials.

Programmers Heaven CD-ROMs

Around 1996 I published the Programmers Heaven CD-ROMs. Two discs filled with source code, tools, tutorials and articles that I had compiled over the years.

Programmers Heaven web site

In 1996 I created Programmers Heaven , an online community for developers based on my CD-ROM’s that ended up receiving over 750,000 visitors per month at its peak. 

In 1996 I created Programmers Heaven , an online community for developers.